Friday, May 15, 2009

Whtie Tail Deer (buck)
This guy is still in velvet. I found him near Fish Pond while camping.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

This was taken in the fall of 2007 while walking the VIC.

Young Red Fox
This photo was taken in the spring of 2007. I watched the mother and her kit for about a month and snapped many photographs of them together.

Nothern Flicker
I had the opportunity to photograph this colorful bird one morning while walking on the backside of the Adirondack Airport. I started the hike looking for deer but found this guy.

Sharp-tailed Grouse
I was hiking off McMaster Road when I noticed this bird searching through the crusted snow for something to eat.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Spotted Sandpiper
I found this wading bird on the waters edge at Lake Clear. At first there was two of them but before I could get them in focus one flew off. This one didn't seem to mind having his photo taken.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

White Tail Deer (doe)
I was driving down Keese Mills Road I spotted this doe chewing on the twiggs of small trees.

Lake Placid from Whiteface Mountain

Red Fox
I watched this red fox throughout the winter of 2007. We got to know each other after many days and before long, she didn't run too far from me when we would meet. This trust allowed for many great photos of her. She had two kits in the spring that I was also fortunate enough to photograph.

Downy Woodpecker
This beautiful little woodpecker sat on a tree branch while I shot many photos from different angles. I located her near a marsh area in Lake Clear, NY.

Foggy Morning at Mountain Pond
While camping last spring my wife, Denise and I woke to a warm foggy morning. This has always been one of her favorite photos.

Red Squirrel
Face to face with a Red Squirrel who comes to our pond a few times a day. Thanks to the help of a 300mm lens we can count her whiskers.

A double if you look close. This camping trip was a washout until the last day when the clouds started to seperate, the sun peeked through and...double rainbow.

A winter sunset.

Watha's Pond. A work in progress.

A view of Whiteface Mt. from River Road in Lake Placid, NY.

American Goldfinch
This Finch came to visit our backyard pond while we were relaxing and enjoying the weather.

Ruffed Grouse

Ruffed Grouse
While taking my camera for a walk I noticed some rustling in the leaves. After about a 30 minute wait this beautiful Ruffed Grouse moved into view.